Comparative analysis of the narrative frames in "Life of Pi," "Slumdog Millionaire," and Nithilan Saminathan's "Majaraja."
Comparative analysis of the narrative frames in "Life of Pi," "Slumdog Millionaire," and Nithilan Saminathan's "Majaraja." Introduction :- This new edition of Film Study offers a fresh approach to the study of film, focusing on film as a medium, thematic approaches, film history, and appendices with extensive indexes and appendices. The information and knowledge of film study create the essential sense to watch all angles of the film and analyze the hidden meanings of the scenes. This task is based on the thinking activity, and this task was assigned by Dr. Dilip Barad, sir. This blog task is also part of the film study from various angles. In this blog, I discuss the two parts, like in the first part, I discuss a clip of the film, and in the second part, I will discuss the comparative narrative of three films like ' Life of Pie', 'Slumdog Millionaire', and 'Maharaja' . Dilip Barad Sir's blog... Click Here Part 1 :- Ana...